
Day Four

Day four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.

1. If I'm raising my children right.

2. How it is possible to love two little people as much as I love my kids.

3. If tonight I'll get to sleep for longer then 2 hours.

4. What my kids will be when they grow up.

5. What should I make for dinner?!

6. How does my tail bone STILL hurt- I'm not pregnant anymore!

7. Should I just move on...?

Frugally Yours,
Erin B.

Day Three

Day three: Eight things you couldn't live without.

1. My husband.

2. Miss C.

3. Mr. Man

4. My iPhone- I do not know how I survived before it.

5. My PVR- I cannot watch regular TV anymore.

6. Aveeno Products.

7. My lululemon pants

8. Headbands.

Frugally Yours,
Erin B.

Day Two

Day Two: Nine things about yourself that most people don't know.

1. My husband is 100% in charge of all of our finances and I'm so happy it's him and not me.

2. 28 days after giving birth to our son, I can wear ALL of my pre-pregnancy clothes and weigh less then I did before I was pregnant. I'm not bragging...

3. My goal is to train and run a half marathon this summer.

4. I miss my Gramp all the time, and it breaks my heart that he wasn't able to meet his newest great grandchild. I'm glad we were able to name our son after such a great and wonderful man.

5. I don't know ANYONES phone number, everything is on speed dial.

6. I'm a grudge holder...for big things and super small silly things.

7. I bite my fingernails.

8. I rarely buy ice cream because when I do, I eat it all in a very short time span.

9. While teaching grade 6 math, I realized that I had no idea what BEDMAS was and never remembered using it or learning it myself!

Frugally Yours,
Erin B.

Day One

Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.

1. I wish you would sleep a little longer at night so that I could sleep a little longer at night too.
2. I don't really know what went wrong, but I'm sorry.
3. Thank you so much for talking me down on so many occasions. Wish you lived closer so we could hang out more.
4. You have no idea how much you have helped my family. I really appreciate it and love you because of it.
5. I miss seeing all of your smiling faces every morning. You were so awesome and reminded me why I love teaching.
6. I want to be like you, you are my biggest role model and I thank my lucky stars every day that I have someone like you in my life.
7. I'm so lucky to have had such a wonderful birth experience with my son. I'm so glad that you were able to be there and catch my baby as he came into this world.
8. If I were you, I'd get a second/third/fourth opinion.
9. You are Miss C's favourite person. You are one of mine too. Thank you for loving her and giving her as much attention as you give Mr. Man.
10. Thank you for loving me, even when I'm cranky.

Frugally Yours,
Erin B.

Re-Launch of Frugally Yours

Well, I'm back!

Here's a quick recap of what has happened since my last post.
1. My daughter turned 2!
2. I graduated University with 2 degrees!
3. I had a baby!

Those are the highlights!

I'm going to get back into the swing of things and start this blog up again. I know a lot of people were upset when I stopped blogging, but life got in the way. That being said, now that we've found a sort of routine and now that I'm a full time stay at home Mom again, I'm ready to do a FRUGALLY YOURS REVIVAL! Please stay tuned for many many many frugal tips (I just had a baby and I probably have only spent about $500 on EVERYTHING that I've bought for him before and after his birth). My goal for 2011, to cut down on our monthly expenses by at least $200 if not more. We'll see how I do.

In light of the re-launch of Frugally Yours, I'm going to do a "Get To Know Me" 10 day challenge. My beautiful sister in law started doing it on her blog, and I've decided to give it a try on mine. Here is how it goes:

10 day challenge.

Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.
Day Two: Nine things about yourself that most people don`t know
Day three:Eight things you couldn't live without.
Day four: Seven things that cross your mind alot.
Day Five:Six things you wish you could change or wish you have never done.
Day Six: Five people that mean alot to you.
Day Seven: Four turn off`s.
Day Eight: Three things that turn on`s.
Day Nine: Two words that describe your life right now
Day ten : One confession
Frugally Yours,
Erin B.