

I've been scanning other blogs trying to come up with something creative that would make my blog stand out in a crowd of other blogs….
Pretty eh?!
I was trying to keep it simple and straight forward- I don’t want too much crap cluttering my blog, which is funny, because my house = clutter. Oh well! Frugal does not mean clean! And do you want to know the BEST part of it all? It was free. That is right, F-R-E-E! I didn’t pay a cent for any of this prettiness that is my blog. I had to expend minimal energy (a few cut & paste’s) and voila, a thing of beauty.
Live Long and Free…
Frugally Yours,
Erin B.

Spice Up Your Blog Here


  1. I stole your idea and used the same site to get a new 'skin' for my blog too!! Thanks Erin ;)
